My Portfolio


I was born in Concord, Massachusetts and grew up with an older brother & younger sister. I graduated Northeastern University in 2021 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Robotics. From a young age, I loved watching and playing sports including football, basketball and lacrosse. I enjoy playing guitar and piano and traveling as much as possible.

Professional Strengths & Experience

I thrive in analytically driven and stimulating environments surrounded by a small, energetic team. I love maximizing my contribution and taking on leadership roles. My experience stretches across the entire product design lifecycle from ideation to mass production. I have been a major contributor in bringing multiple consumer products to market & get immense satisfaction from seeing a project hit the shelves.

Professional Goals

As a young and inspired engineer, my career goals are often changing. However, I have several professional core values that never shift: I always want to work somewhere driven by achievement and happiness. I strongly value being a leader in the workplace and someone that team members trust. I truly hope to use engineering to make a lasting impact on climate change and preserve the natural world, as it is so beautiful.